
Jazz and Far Beyond

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R.I.P. チック・コリアNo. 275

Thank you for the gifts along the way. by Shai Maestro
チックからの贈り物 by シャイ・マエストロ

Text by Shai Maestro シャイ・マエストロ
Translated by Hideo Kanno 神野秀雄

First it was “Spain” from “Light as a Feather”. My uncle played it for me on a vinyl when I was probably 8 years old. I remember it very vividly. I remember the messy studio and the old record player. That’s the first time I heard the sound of Fender Rhodes. The next time was seeing him on stage. Stockholm Jazz Festival. I was probably 11 or 12 and my parents took me to see him with his trio. He played with Jeff Ballard and Avishai Cohen, that’s the first time I saw Avishai too. Each time was a life changing experience. My parents took me to a little record booth close to the stage and told me to pick an album, I chose “Native sense”. I remember that orange cover very well. Took it home with me to Israel and it became obsessed with it for many years to come. My teacher at the time told me “listen to his COMPING!” and so I did. So much wisdom there.

Then “Now He Sings Now He Sobs”, then “Play”, then “Past, Present and Futures”. All of these were spinning in my little CD player for YEARS. And on and on and on.. The list of amazing albums he left behind is unbelievable.

I remember being offered by a friend of mine to play the late set at the Blue Note in NY after Chick and Gonzalo Rubalcaba 2 or 3 years ago. I was out of town so I couldn’t physically make it and I was somewhat relived.. What is there left to play after these two giants walk off stage?

I got to meet Chick a few times. Always a kind, beautiful soul. Always supportive. Offering advice, sharing his dilemmas about music. I remember him talking about wanting to dare more(!).

I often mention him in conversations about musicians egos – seeing a real master being so humble is a lesson for all of us to keep our feet on the ground. If Chick wasn’t arrogant, nobody should be.

The sound, the rhythm, the harmonic ideas, the bees flying everywhere (I dare ya’, I dare ya’! As Mr. Shorter so wonderfully said). And to me – to think about the generosity with which he opened his doors for us through social media in the last year, allowing us a daily peek into his practice room is a testimony of this man’s big heart. I owe him so much, as so many others do.

Thank you for the gifts along the way Chick.


8歳の頃、おじが『Light as a Feather』のレコードから<Spain>をかけてくれて、それが私のチック・コリアとの出会いになりました。そのときのことを鮮明に覚えていますが、散らかった部屋に古いレコードプレーヤーは置かれていました。また初めてフェンダー・ローズのサウンドを聴く機会になりました。


両親は私をステージそばのCD売り場ブースに連れて行き、1枚アルバムを買ってあげると言いました。私は、オレンジ色のジャケットが鮮烈な『Native Sense: The New Duets』を選び、イスラエルに持ち帰ると、何年間も私はこのアルバムに夢中になりました。その頃の音楽の先生が「チックの伴奏(comping)をよく聴きなさい。」と教えてくれて、確かにそこにはチックの智慧が満ち溢れていました。この後は、『Now He Sings Now He Sobs』、『Play』、『Past, Present and Futures』などと続いて、チックの残した驚くべきアルバムの数々は信じられないほど素晴らしいものばかりでした。これらのアルバムは私の小さなCDプレイヤーで何年間も回り続けました。









Shai Maestro シャイ・マエストロ – Pianist, Composer
1987年2月5日、イスラエル出身。5歳からクラシックピアノを始め、8歳でジャズに関心を持つ。テルマ・イェリン国立芸術高等学校でジャズとクラシックを学び、バークリー音楽大学の奨学金を得るが入学せず。2006年、アヴィシャイ・コーエン(ベース)・トリオに参加。2010年に自らのユニットを結成。以降、テオ・ブレックマン、マーク・ジュリアナ・ジャズ・カルテットなどでも活躍。2012年に初のリーダー作『Shai Maestro Trio』を発表。2018年にECMから『The Dream Thief』を、2021年には『Human』をリリースした。公式ウェブサイト shaimaestro.com


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