#1285 『Achim Kaufmann|Frank Gratkowski|Wilbert de Joode / Oblength』
text by Kayo Fushiya 伏谷佳代
Leo Records LR748
Achim Kaufmann (piano)
Frank Gratkowski (alto sax/ bass clarinet/ clarinet)
Wilbert de Joode (bass)
1. Trash kites 17:12
2. Unaccounted for and inward 6:00
3. Anything wooden & oblong 13:02
4. Of time in pieces 16:21
5. No doubt the beginning 3:37
All compositions by Kaufmann/ Gratkowski/ de Joode
Recorded and mixed by Wolfgang Stach @ Loft Koeln 30 Jan, 2014
Artwork & titles by Gabriele d. r. Guenther
Artwork photography by Achim Kaufmann
Liner notes by Kevin Whitehead
Produced by Frank Gratkowski and Leo Feigin
交流の盛んなケルンとアムステルダムのシーンを母体として生まれたインプロヴィゼーション・トリオ。結成から10年を超えるだけあり、貫禄がにじむプレイを聴かせる。メンバーは昨年のアルバート・マンゲルスドルフ賞の受賞者でもあるアキム・カウフマン(p)、ドイツを代表するマルチリード奏者のひとりフランク・グラトコフスキ、アムステルダムシーンのヴェテラン勢に名を連ねるウィルベルト・デ・ヨーデ(b)。ドラムレス編成だが、エンボスのように穿たれる音の点描はきわめてパーカッシヴな造形力。静寂と爆音とを行き来するダイナミックな振幅と緩急、特殊奏法の数々はその奇抜さが隠れてしまうほどの熟達ぶりで有機的に連なる。即興というものはたしかに神出鬼没の面白さに依るものがおおいが、気心しれた年季がうみだすオープンな音の磁場には、マンネリズムとは対極にある如才なき自由がある。5トラック中3トラックが10分を超える長大さだが、瞬間瞬間にうみだされるスリルの集積、それを音楽空間として持続させる強い牽引力との拮抗は多様に変化して飽きさせない。それぞれの楽器と肉体との間に生まれるエッジィな音圧もうまく捉えられた録音。大音量で聴いても迫力満点だが、繊細な響きの綾に耳をそばだてるように、チェンバー・ミュージック的にも楽しめる。ヨーロピアンの面目躍如たるところだ (伏谷佳代)。
This improvisation trio comes out of the actively interacting jazz scenes of Cologne and Amsterdam, and as might be expected with more than 10 years under their belts, the trio entrances the listener with an impressive performance. Members are Achim Kaufmann (piano), a prizewinner of Albert Mangelsdorff prize in 2015, Frank Gratkowski, one of Germany’s representative multi reed-players, and Wilbert de Joode (bass), a veteran of the Amsterdam scene. Yes, no drums, but their sound stippling pierces through to give a strong percussive power. A dynamic amplitude fluctuating between stillness and roaring, and free slow and fast phrases, and numerous special renditions are all organically linked, smoothly hiding any eccentricity and only confirming the trio’s mastery of their musical form. The appeal of improvisation is mostly reliant on surprise; however, in this magnetic field of open sound, the fruit of long years of intimacy, we still find a wonderfully free but structured spirit floating in the air, the opposite of effected mannerisms. Three from five tracks run for a good 10 minutes each, but the conflict between the accumulation of thrilling moments and the powerful driving force maintaining a flowing musical space results in diverse changes, never allowing the listener to be bored. The recording skillfully captures the edgy sound pressure found between each instrument and player. Listening at full blast of course packs a real punch, but the album can also be quietly enjoyed rather like chamber music; an opportunity to tune your ears to the intricacies of the more delicate sounds. This album also showcases the quality of European performers. (Kayo Fushiya)
No.216、Achim Kaufmann、Wilbert de Joode、Frank Gratkowski