
Jazz and Far Beyond

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CD/DVD DisksNo. 218

#1306 『Anne Hartkamp Quartet / Songs & Dances』(2016: Double Moon)

text by Kayo Fushiya 伏谷佳代

Double moon DMCHR71169


Anne Hartkamp (vocals)
Thomas Rueckert (piano)
André Nendza (bass)
Oliver Rehmann (drums)

1. The Concept of North/ Seagulls of Kristiansund (8:24)
2. As Yet (Dance Four) (4:11)
3. Scattered Minds (5:30)
4. The Moon a Sphere (7:57)
5. Sea Time (5:13)
6. Dance Three (3:41)
7. Dance Two (5:28)
8. Deep (6:44)
9. Not Entirely Love Lost (4:12)
10. After the Rain (5:28)

Total time: 57:14

Track 1 The Concept of North (words: Anne Hartkamp / music: André Nendza), Seagulls of Kristiansund (words: Jeanne Lee / music: Mal Waldron)
Track 2-9 by Anne Hartkamp
Track 10 by John Coltrane

Recorded and mixed by Christian Heck @ Loft Cologne and Tonart Studio Kerpen
Mastered by Brigitte Angerhausen
Produced by Anne Hartkamp and Volker Dueck

ケルンを拠点に活躍する実力派ヴォーカリスト、アン・ハルトカンプ (Anne Hartkamp) が率いるクァルテットの最新作。早くから才能を開花させウィーンでクラシック音楽を学ぶが、その後ボン大学でドイツ学と音楽学を専攻、ジャズをほぼ独学の後にアムステルダムへ渡り、デボラ・ブラウンやハンフリー・キャンベルらに師事した。知的でクールな装いのなかに、マグネティックなドライヴ感を有した彼女の音楽は、振幅の幅が非常に広い。バネのようにしなやかで天衣無縫なスキャットがその魅力のひとつだが、本作は主にスキャットによる声の “Dance”と成熟したヴォーカルを聴かせる “Song” がバランスよく配された構成。音楽におけるLyric 探求の究極—言葉か、音か。或いは言葉は音か—が差し出されるが、意味するところの到達点は全く同じ地平であることが体感される。コンポジションもよく練られており、音楽が決して単なる抽象で終わらないのが嬉しい (必ずエキサイティングな展開が潜む)。バンドメンバーも自らの音を知り尽くしたヴェテラン揃い。長年組んできただけあり、抑制の効いた大人のサウンドをじっくりと聴かせる。コルトレーンやマル・ウォルドロンの名曲のなかに”The Moon a Sphere”(track.4)などの自作も遜色なく融け合う。全編スキャットによる”After the rain”も聴きどころ。音楽がもたらす至福や光彩、感情の深淵へのゆらぎ…人生の投影のような彼女のステージングが思い浮かぶハートフルな秀作。(*文中敬称略。伏谷佳代)

This album is the latest work of the quartet led by the Cologne-based vocalist Anne Hartkamp. Her talent bloomed at an early age, and in Vienna she studied classical music, but later majored in German studies and musicology at the University of Bonn. Pretty much self-taught, Anne moved to Amsterdam to study jazz under Deborah Brown and Humphrey Cambell. A vocalist with real talent, her music has a very broad amplitude and a magnetic driving sense complimenting her intelligent and cool turnout. A flawlessly smooth and soft scat style tensioned like a spring is one of her music’s charms. This album as seen in the title is a well-balanced arrangement of dance, mainly scat-singing, and song, enchanting listeners with her mature vocals. The ultimate in the pursuit of lyrics in music is presented; words or sounds? Or are words sounds? However, whatever the answer the listener always vibrantly feels it in their body. Composition is also worked out well; it is delightful that the music never ends up with simple abstractions (excitement is always lying in wait). The band members are all veterans very familiar with their own playing, and their years of collaboration deeply captivate listeners with their restrained mature sound. Anne’s own works such as “The Moon a Sphere” (Track 4) sit well among famous tunes by John Coltrane and Mal Waldron. ”After the rain” performed by only scat-singing is another high light and perfect for the finale. Supreme bliss and luster brought by music, and swaying in emotional depths… this is a heartfelt superb work, evoking in the listener memories of her performance, which is like reflections of a life. (Kayo Fushiya)


《review links》

Anne Hartkamp Quartet ©Dorina Köbele-Milaş
Anne Hartkamp Quartet ;
(from left) André Nendza, Anne Hartkamp, Oliver Rehmann, Thomas Rueckert

©Dorina Köbele-Milaş


伏谷佳代 (Kayo Fushiya) 1975年仙台市出身。早稲田大学卒業。欧州に長期居住し(ポルトガル・ドイツ・イタリア)各地の音楽シーンに通暁。欧州ジャズとクラシックを中心にジャンルを超えて新譜・コンサート/ライヴ評(月刊誌/Web媒体)、演奏会プログラムやライナーノーツの執筆・翻訳など多数。


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