#1351 『Sabine Kuehlich & Laia Genc / In your own sweet way—A tribute to the great Dave Brubeck』
Text by Kayo Fushiya 伏谷佳代
Sabine Kuehlich (vocals, alto sax)
Laia Genc (piano)
1. When you wish upon a star (H. Leigh/N. Washington)
2. It’s a raggy waltz (D. Brubeck/L. Brubeck)
3. Three to get ready (D. Brubeck)
4. Strange meadowlark (D. Brubeck/L. Brubeck)
5. Those clouds are heavy, you dig (D. Brubeck, P. Desmond/Kurt Elling)
6. Take five (D. Brubeck, P. Desmond/Kurt Elling)
7. In your own sweet way (D. Brubeck/L. Brubeck)
8. Koto song (D. Brubeck)
9. Sweet slumber (P. Desmond/Sabine Kuehlich)
10. Blue rondo a la Turk (D. Brubeck, P. Desmond/A. Jarreau)
11. Emily (Johnny Mandel/Johnny Mercer)
12. Unsquare dance (D. Brubeck)
13. Blessed are the poor (D. Brubeck)
14. For Mara (Laia Genc)
15. The Message (Sabine Kuehlich)
Produced by Sabine Kuehlich, Laia Genc, and Volker Dueck
Recorded June 19th and 20th 2014 @ Hansahaus Studios in Bonn, Germany by Markus Braun
Mixed & mastered September 2015 by Markus Braun
Piano: Boesendorfer Imperial tuned by Andre Wedel
Photos: Markus Braun, Thomas Koelsch, Erwin Doering
Coverdesign: Knut Schoetteldreier
変拍子ジャズの元祖ともいえるデイヴ・ブルーベック。旧東独時代にその音楽に触れて以来、ブルーベックをアイドルと崇めるザビーネ・キューリッヒ (vo) と、ベルリン出身のライア・ゲンク (p) のデュオによる、偉大なるピアニストへのオマージュ・アルバム。ともにケルン周辺を拠点としており、キューリッヒはシーラ・ジョーダンとのデュオでも高評価を得ている。ゲンクはルーツ・ミュージックに深い造詣をもち、エレーナ・レッダ、イスタンブール・コンポーザズ・オーケストラなどとも活動している。
ブルーベックの真骨頂であるリズミックな魅力を最大限に、カラフルでロマンティック、要所にプリペアドのキッチュさも効いた仕上がり。ディズニーでお馴染みの冒頭曲から始まり、”Take Five”, “In your own sweet way”など名曲が続く。キューリッヒはヴォーカルやスキャット、口笛の他にサックスも披露しているが、すべてが肉体と一体化してのインストゥルメンタリストぶりである。そのフレキシブルなパフォーマンス力は包容力に長ける。ピアニストのゲンクは非常に剛健で思い切りのよりプレイ。低音部のオスティナートなど迫力満点だ。終盤の “Blue Rondo a la Turk”- “Emily”- “Unsquare Dance” (Track11-13) は、デュオの真骨頂。原曲の魅力が横溢し(ポール・デスモンドの姿もちらつきつつ)、プレイヤーのLifeそのものが多層的に匂い立つ。無駄な装飾なしのアコースティック勝負だが、プレイヤーの思いが語りきれているアルバム。そのパワフルさが、ドイツ的な意味でまことに女性らしい。
This homage album to the great pianist Dave Brubeck, often described as the originator of irregular time jazz, is put together by a duo: vocalist Sabine Kuehlich, who has long adored Brubeck since coming in touch with his music in the former East Germany period, and pianist Laia Genc from Berlin. Both musicians are based around Cologne, and Kuehlich is also well thought of as a duo with Sheila Jordan. Genc has a deep knowledge of roots music, and performs with Elena Ledda or the Istanbul Composers Orchestra. Brubeck’s true value, rhythmic appeal, is demonstrated to the maximum, along with colorful and romantic shades, and the album is artfully finished with prepared rendition kitschness at key points. The album starts with a familiar Disney track, followed by famous tunes such as the iconic “Take Five” and “In your own sweet way.” As well as vocals, scat singing, and whistling, Kuehlich plays saxophone, all are integrated with her body, fully demonstrating her talents as an instrumentalist whose flexible performance excels in its magnanimity. Genc’s piano is very strong, sturdy and decisive; ostinato at the bass register is played at full impact. “Blue Rondo a la Turk”(track.11), “Emily”(track.12) and “Unsquare Dance”(track.13) in the final phase show the true worth of the duo. The charm of the original pieces is overflowing tinged with many layers of the player’s life (listeners will also find shades of Paul Desmond). The duo plays off each other to create an acoustic sound with no superfluous decoration, which superbly displays the passion of both women; their power is very feminine with a German sensibility.

©Thomas Koelsch