
Jazz and Far Beyond

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及川公生の聴きどころチェックNo. 262

#578 『Evan Parker-Paul Lytton / Collective Calls』(Revisited)(Jubilee)

text by Kimio Oikawa 及川公生

Intakt CD 343/ 2020

Evan Parker: Tenor Saxophone
Paul Lytton: Drums

1….the dissent, that begin with the Quakers?…
2….confused about England
3.England feels very remote to me.
4.Alfreda was always especially cordial to me (dedicated to Alfreda Benge)
5….becoming transfigured…
6.The bonfires on Hampstead Heath
7.What has it become entangled with now?
8….a little perplexing…
9.How tight knit was England then!
10….beheading their own King…
11.Each thing, the one, the other and both together would amount to the truth.
*Titles found in Elias Canetti’s Party in the Blitz.
Music by Evan Parker and Paul Lytton

Recorded March 29, 2019 at Experimental Soudn Studio, Chicago by Alex Inglizian.
Mixed Summer 2019 by Evan Parker and Matthew Wright,
Masteres by Matthew Wright
Recording produced by Evan Parker, Paul Litton and Bill Shoemaker
Produced and published by Intakt Records, Patrik Landolt. Anja Illmaier, Florian Keller



及川公生 Kimio Oikawa 1936年福岡県生まれ。FM東海(現 東京FM)技術部を経て独立。大阪万国博・鉄鋼館の音響技術や世界歌謡祭、ねむ・ジャズ・イン等のSRを担当。1976年以降ジャズ録音に専念し現在に至る。2003年度日本音響家協会賞受賞。東京芸術大学、洗足学園音楽大学非常勤講師を経て、現在、音響芸術専門学校非常勤講師。AES会員。


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