
Jazz and Far Beyond

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No. 229R.I.P. アーサー・ブライス

R.I.P. Arthur Blythe Jack DeJohnette

R.I.P. Arthur Blythe

Comments by Jack DeJohnette

“I am so glad that I had the opportunity to play with Arthur Blythe. My introduction to him was through the late legendary Lester Bowie. The first time we all played together was a concert in NYC with Amina Claudine Myers and Malachi Favors. It was a great concert and thats where Arthurs playing on alto saxophone really got my attention.

I asked Arthur along with David Murray on tenor sax and Peter Warren on bass to play in my group Special Edition, we had some wonderful musical moments together and that group became legendary.

Arthur asked me to play on his first album, Lenox Avenue Breakdown, one of his compositions that is also played on this recording.

After Arthur moved on from my project he became a recognized band leader in his own right and left his mark on many, many great projects. His career has been well documented.

This’ recording…is Arthurs most recent release and it is a live recording, from Yoshi’s in Oakland, Ca, it highlights Arthur as a composer and bandleader with an excellent group of musicians who help to bring his music to life and who also tell their own stories at the same time.

The compositions are very melodic and varied with collective and individual solos that illuminate the musical spectrum of Arthur’s compositional palette.

The incredible Bob Stewart on tuba plays with elegance, grace and imagination. Gust Tsilis’s extraordinary playing on the Concert Grand Marimba and the great Eddie Marshall taking care of serious business on the drums round out this wonderful evening of music.

I would like to thank Arthur for his contribution to the world of jazz, it is deeply appreciated!” (drummer)

*This comments originally appeared on the site for Arthur Blythe Fund and are reprinted with author’s permission.


デイヴィッド・マレイ(ts)、ピーター・ウォーレン(b) とともに私のバンド「スペシャル・エディション」に参加してくれるよう頼み込んだ。それは素晴らしい音楽の出会いとなり、「スペシャル・エディション」は永く語り継がれるバンドとなった。
アーサーからは、自作曲をタイトル・チューンにした彼のファースト・アルバム『レノックス・アヴェニュー・ブレイクダウン』(1979 Columbia) のレコーディング参加を依頼された。


アーサーの直近のリリースはカリフォルニア州オークランドのクラブ「Yoshi’s」でのライヴ・レコーディング (2014) で、アーサーの卓越した作曲能力とリーダーシップが発揮されている。素晴らしいバンドメンバーが彼の楽曲に生命力を与え、同時に自身のストーリーも語っている。



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