
Jazz and Far Beyond

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CD/DVD DisksNo. 233

#1433 『黛敏郎 ピアノ作品集 「天地創造」/ Toshiro Mayuzumi Works for Piano』

text by 伏谷佳代 Kayo Fushiya

Mittenwald (2017)
MTWD 99063

黛敏郎 Toshiro Mayuzumi (1929-1997)
tracks.1〜12『Préludes pour Piano/12の前奏曲』(1945-1946)★
1. Marche 「行進曲ハ長調」(1945.4) [1:20]
2. Arabesque「アラベスクイ短調」(1946.6) [1:43]
3. Barcarole「舟歌ト長調」(1945.5) [3:31]
4. Toccata「トッカータホ短調」(1946.9) [3:36]
5. Fantasie「幻想曲ニ長調」(1945.7) [1:53]
6. Pastorale「牧歌ロ短調」(1945.7) [1:42]
7. Intermezzo「間奏曲イ長調」(1945.8) [1:12]
8. Sarabande「サラバンド嬰へ短調」(1945.4) [2:49]
9. Berceuse「子守唄ホ長調」(1945.11)[2:30]
10. Nocturne「夜想曲嬰ハ短調」(1946.1) [3:43]
11. Sérénade「セレナーデロ長調」(1946.5) [1:32]
12. Elegie「悲歌嬰ト短調」(1946.8) [2:17]

tracks. 13〜21『The Bible/天地創造』(1965)★
1. Thema「テーマ音楽」[3:53] 2. Creation of Adam「アダムの誕生」[4:10]
3. Creation of Eve「イヴの誕生」[4:25]
4. Cain and Abel「カインとアベル」[3:36]
5. Noah’s Ark「ノアの方舟」[4:36]
6. Mt. Ararat「アララト山」[1:57]
7. Tower of Babel「バベルの塔」[3:02]
8. Sodom「ソドム」[1:28]
9. Abraham and Sarah「アブラハムとサラ」[2:41]

track.22「Dance of Golden Branch from the ballet “Kaguyahime”/バレエ『かぐや姫』から金の枝の踊り」(1950) [1:58]

tracks.23〜24『Hors-d’œuvre/オール・デウーヴル』(1947) *★

★世界初録音/World Premier Recording

Total Time: 68:39

秦はるひ (Haruhi Hata): piano
入川奨 (Sho Irikawa): percussion *

<録音・編集/Recording Engineer>
Schaetzgraeber @ Radian Hall, Ninomiya-Machi, Kanagawa: April 26 and 27, 2016
Fekete Attila @ Faziolli show room: December 26, 2016 (Bonus Track)

<調律/Piano Tuner>
川村守人 (Morito Kawamura)
フェケテ・アッティラ(Fekete Attila)

齋藤保夫 (Yasuo Saito)
稲原和雄 (Kazuo Inahara)


This album is the world’s first recording of piano pieces composed by Toshiro Mayuzumi. All the pieces were written over 20 years from the age of 16 to 36, and it is surprising that against this background starting from 1945 post-World War II Japan, such well-mellowed music was bubbling forth. Particularly, the collection of preludes that he started work on at the young age of 16 show noticeable evidence of his attempts to use varied methodologies; at the same time, we see a youthful and fresh sensibility and early glimpses of a talented maturation, as irresistible and enticing as a mottled pattern. This is a record of the conflict between the Western model confronting the young composer and the spirit of Mayuzumi, who both challenged and attempted to outgrow this model. In the end, Mayuzumi’s international reputation was built upon his intellectual lyricism grounded on his daring selection, adoption, and intricate fusion of East and West, which is far from the Orientalism still prevalent in the contemporary scene. The composer’s character precisely demonstrates an exceptional individuality. The pianist Haruhi Hata, since her days at the Tokyo University of the Arts, has been actively performing works by Japanese composers, and for more than 30 years at her alma mater, she brought on many of the foremost musicians; she is also involved as a contest judge and critic. Her performance presents the articulate pianism developed throughout her career by scrutinizing scores from every angle, and the utmost positive neutrality. A beautiful and straightforward tonal quality is heard of course, but from the viewpoint of contemporary music, the final piece “Hors-d’œuvre” has a fresh approach with all the allure of jazz. This album marks the fruition in sound of the first-class Mayuzumi Archive. The booklet also draws us into the dazzling world of those days when Tokyo University of the Arts was packed with so much young talent. (Kayo Fushiya)



伏谷佳代 (Kayo Fushiya) 1975年仙台市出身。早稲田大学卒業。欧州に長期居住し(ポルトガル・ドイツ・イタリア)各地の音楽シーンに通暁。欧州ジャズとクラシックを中心にジャンルを超えて新譜・コンサート/ライヴ評(月刊誌/Web媒体)、演奏会プログラムやライナーノーツの執筆・翻訳など多数。


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