
Jazz and Far Beyond

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CD/DVD DisksNo. 312

#2307『Donald Vega / As I Travel』

text by Keiichi Konishi 小西啓一

Imagery 2023

Donald Vega (piano)
John Patitucci (bass)
Lewis Nash (drums)
Luisito Quintero (percussion except 5, 7, 8)

1. ¡Baila! Dance Like No One’s Watching
2. As I Travel
3. I Know You Can Fly
4. Tomorrows Il
5. Alegria (p-b-ds trio)
6. Disturbios
7. Isabel (The Enchanting Nature Of You) (p-b-ds trio)
8. Dear Mayra (p-b-ds trio)
9. Beautiful Ladies

Recorded by Jim Anderson at Samurai Hotel Studios, Astoria, New York, March 09, 2023
Mixed by Jim Anderson at Studio L, Anderson Audio, New York
Mastered by Ulrike Schwarz at Anderson Studio, New York
Produced by Donald Vega, Jim Anderson & Laura Vega

ところが自身4枚目のリーダー作でもあるこの8年振りの新作、心機一転というかこれまで余り感じさせなかったその出自=故郷ニカラグアの風土や文化をベースとした、中米&カリブ・カラーやラテン・ジャズ色をも濃厚に漂わせた意欲的な力作に仕上がっている。ドあたまから“おおーこれは、仲々に…”と唸らされ、これまで余り注目していなかっただけにこのかなり強力なアピール振り、いささか驚かされてしまったのも事実。ここで彼をフォローするのは、ジョン・パティトゥッチ (b) とルイス・ナッシュ (ds) という名手達で、とくにナッシュはデビュー作からの気心知れあった仲。さらにここでの中米(カリブ)&ラテン・ジャズ色をより色濃いものへと高めているのが、ラテン・パーカッション奏者として今乗りに乗っているルイシート・キンテーロの存在。3曲を除いたナンバーに彼が加わることで、ここでは完璧な布陣が実現した。この強力陣容に対するヴェガのピアノも、ケニー・バロンらに師事しただけあって、明快なタッチでダイナミズム横溢した、スケール感とスピード感を有した卓抜なもの。さらにラテンの血が滾(たぎ)る威勢の良さと抜群の乗り。ラテンならではのサウダージ(憂・哀)気質、ラテン・タッチとストレート・アヘッドなプレイの双方=剛柔を巧みに使い分けるテクニックなど、実に含蓄にも富む熟達なピアノを聴かせる。
タイトル曲は彼が故郷を離れアメリカに渡ってからの、西海岸~NY へと向かう人生・音楽遍歴を象徴したもので、“アメリカン・ドリーム”とも言えそうな、自身の夢実現への過程がドラマティックに綴られる。また冒頭の<バイラ>(スペイン語で “踊れ!”)など、ラテン・ジャズ特有の舞踏性を強調したナンバーも魅力的で、とくにナッシュとキンテーロのリズム隊の絡みが抜群。4曲目の<トゥモローズ Ⅱ>は、08 年のデビュー作に収められていた<トゥモローズ>の再解釈ナンバーで、15年という期間での成長振りを窺わせる。<イサベル>ではバラード表現にも秀でたところを聴かせ、その少し翳りある官能味漂う表情も仲々に蠱惑的だし、愛する母に捧げられた<ディア・マヤラ>の叙情味も忘れ難い。まあこんな風に書き連ねると、どれも捨て駒無しのかなりな充実作だということ、間違いなしだろう。

Real gem and a find

Donald Vega is a pianist from Nicaragua in Central America, which is quite unusual for a jazzman. He left his country at the age of 15 due to political unrest and escaped to Los Angeles. He has had a difficult career. Currently active in the live performance scene mainly in New York, he is also a professor at his alma mater, Juilliard School of Music, and was awarded the “Guggenheim Fellow” in 2011, which is given to creative artists. He is also an intelligent pianist in his 50s.

His home country of Nicaragua is a small country with a population of about 5.3 million people located next to Honduras and Costa Rica, and musicians from this country include the popular salsa singer Luis Enrique. The country’s musicians include Luis Enrique, a popular salsa singer, and his new album, “As I Travel,” naturally has a strong salsa and Latin jazz flavor. Vega first became known to jazz fans in Japan when he joined the trio of popular bassist Ron Carter. He has been a member of this trio for 13 years, and has accompanied Ron on his tours to Japan and played on two of Ron’s albums, but the Latin American and Caribbean tones of his music seemed a little weak there, and even I, a Latin jazz lover, was not aware of his presence.

However, this new album, his fourth as a leader and his first in eight years, is an ambitious and powerful work with a strong Central American and Caribbean flavor and a Latin jazz flavor, based on the climate and culture of Nicaragua, his hometown, which has never given him much of a feeling of having made a change of heart. I was surprised by the strong appeal of this album, which I had not paid much attention to before, and I was also somewhat surprised. He was followed by John Patitucci (b) and Lewis Nash (ds), who had known each other well since their debut album. The presence of Latin percussionist Luisito Quintero on all but three of the tracks makes for a perfect lineup. Vega’s piano playing on this powerful lineup is also outstanding, with a clear touch, full of dynamism, scale, and speed, as he has studied with Kenny Barron and others. Furthermore, the vigor of the Latin blood flowing in the vega’s piano and the outstanding groove. The piano is full of rich connotations, including a saudade temperament (melancholy and pathos) that is unique to Latin music, and a technique that skillfully uses both the Latin touch and straight-ahead playing.

The title track symbolizes his life and musical journey from the West Coast to New York after leaving his hometown in the U.S., and dramatically describes the process of realizing his dream, which could be called the “American Dream”. The song also features Latin jazz, such as the “baila” (“dance!” in Spanish) at the beginning of the song. The fourth track, “Tomorrows II,” is a reinterpretation of “Tomorrows,” which was included on the band’s 2008 debut, and shows how much the band has grown over the past 15 years. <Isabelle> is an excellent ballad, and the slightly faded sensuality of its expression is fascinating, while the lyricism of <Dear Mayara> dedicated to her beloved mother, is also unforgettable. When I write like this, there is no doubt that all of the works are quite substantial, with nothing to be discarded.
Donald Vega’s new work is a rare gem that could be described as a find. (Keiichi Konishi)


小西啓一 Keiichi Konishi ジャズ・ライター/ラジオ・プロデューサー。本職はラジオのプロデューサーで、ジャズ番組からドラマ、ドキュメンタリー、スポーツ、経済など幅広く担当、傍らスイング・ジャーナル、ジャズ・ジャパン、ジャズ・ライフ誌などのレビューを長年担当するジャズ・ライターでもある。好きなのはラテン・ジャズ、好きなミュージシャンはアマディート・バルデス、ヘンリー・スレッギル、川嶋哲郎、ベッカ・スティーブンス等々。


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