
Jazz and Far Beyond

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Concerts/Live ShowsNo. 261

#1116 エリオット・シャープ/臼井康浩/さがゆき


Reported by 伏谷佳代 Kayo Fushiya
Photos by 佐藤宏 Hiroshi Sato

エリオット・シャープ Elliott Sharp (b.clarinet&guitar)
臼井康浩 Yasuhiro Usui (guitar)
さがゆき Yuki Saga (guitar & voice)





This live performance took place just one day before the last stop on Elliott Sharp’s (hereinafter “E#”) first Japan tour in seven years, upon the invitation of prominent guitarist, Yasuhiro Usui. His co-stars were Usui and Yuki Saga. His radical sound, the result of a direct line between a sharp mind and superior skill, is intense enough to identify him at a single listen. Usui and Saga are also exceptional masters for whom the individual differences between instruments are irrelevant. Though effects pedals, laptops, amps, and prepared instruments are visually flashy, their open and uncovered music is decisively free and pluralistic. There are absolutely no restraints. A series of sounds rains down with dignity, already independent at the particle level.

First up are two duos from Usui and E#(each takes over twenty minutes). E# makes use of the bass clarinet and guitar; over and over, their “instrument-ness” is overturned and surmounted. Though techniques like playing with circular breathing (E#) or finger picking a flipped guitar from above (Usui) are “peculiar” visually, the listener’s awareness is naturally directed only to the sounds presented. The beats are powerful. The melodies give an exquisite sense of perspective, lingering in the background as echoes. Just like the marcato of a keyboard instrument, the meandering shredding of the bass-guitar* etches out a sort of stoicism. The moment a phrase springs forth, a minimalist rectangle is drawn and instantly seared into the listener’s mind.

The second set features Yuki Saga in two duos with E#(each takes over ten minutes). Saga makes full use of modified original instrumentation, laying a guitar flat on its side, and with it her voice is spontaneously entwined. With worn-down cans and the like, sound is amplified through striking, rubbing, and chopping vertically. At times there is the flicker of a stateless but nostalgic color. Her voice shakes the space. The bass clarinet by E# keeps driving the monochrome swing. When the gravity of the breath increases, the body as a medium is well perceived in reality. The catch and release of inspiration, the very things that are revealed in the narrow margins of that balancing act, show what the artist is truly made of. Finally, a trio with Usui. In the process of diving into a complex grid of sound, there will always be a rough awakening to stimulate the tactile senses. (*honorifics omitted)

*Specs of E#’s bass-guitar is 8 strings, considerably slanted fret; upper thicker 4 strings function as bass while lower thinner 4 strings as guitar.


E#の回想録『IrRational Music』がTerra Novaより発売されている(英語)。垣間見える時代も興味深い。


伏谷佳代 (Kayo Fushiya) 1975年仙台市出身。早稲田大学卒業。欧州に長期居住し(ポルトガル・ドイツ・イタリア)各地の音楽シーンに通暁。欧州ジャズとクラシックを中心にジャンルを超えて新譜・コンサート/ライヴ評(月刊誌/Web媒体)、演奏会プログラムやライナーノーツの執筆・翻訳など多数。


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