
Jazz and Far Beyond

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RIP Roswell Rudd by Carla Bley

Roswell was one of my early influences. I played Monk tunes with him and Steve Lacy and learned a lot. He was wonderful in Escalator Over the Hill; that was the first time I heard him sing. Later, on another album, he asked me if the songs I gave him to play had words, and if they did, he wanted them to be written on the page below the melody to help with his interpretation. In those early days he gave my writing an important criticism, saying that my compositions sounded like they were written at the piano. From that moment on I tried to think as a horn player when I wrote for horns. I used him in my first 10 piece band for a few years and he always enriched the music. He sounded great late into his older years. I’ll miss him. (Carla Bley)


Carla Bley カーラ・ブレイ
1965年マイケル・マントラーとJazz Composer’s Orchestraを結成、JCOAを組織。1974年レーベルWatt Works立ち上げ、多くのアルバムを残す。近年はECMから作品を発表。2015年、NEAジャズ・マスターに選出。


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