
Jazz and Far Beyond

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特集『ECM: 私の1枚』

Marta Karsz-Ashida 『Marcin Wasilewski Trio w/ Joakim Milder / Spark of Life』
『マルチン・ヴァシレフスキ・トリオ with ヨアキム・ミルデル/スパーク・オブ・ライフ』




来年、Marcin Wasilewski Trioは30周年を迎えます。

With this album, it’s like with a great movie: it makes a stunning impression at first encounter, then opens up further mysteries before us, forces us to reflect, and prompts us to pause for a moment in our everyday rush.

Listening to this album I recall memories of people that I had a chance to meet while organising MWT first tour in Japan.
His music brought us together and build friendships that are still there.

It’s also for me the memory of being at the funeral ceremony to say last good buy to great master of Polish jazz Tomasz Stańko in July 2018. The long procession of great musician was there to play last concert for legendary trumpet player. At the evening the tribute to Tomasz Stanko was organised at jazz club, and the music was played until late hours. I regret that I was not able to invite Tomasz Stanko to play in Japan, but Tomasz Stanko’s legacy would live on through Marcin Wasilewski music, inspiring future generations of jazz lovers. Tomasz Stanko Foundation is doing great job to complete and preserve the of Tomasz Stańko music.

Next year Marcin Wasilewski Trio will celebrate their 30st anniversary.
I wish Trio next 30 years of bringing joy and excitement to all music lovers.

ECM 2400

Marcin Wasilewski Trio
Marcin Wasilewski (Piano)
Slawomir Kurkiewicz (Double Bass)
Michal Miskiewicz (Drums)
Joakim Milder (Tenor Saxophone)

1 Austin (Marcin Wasilewski) 07:07
2 Sudovian Dance (Marcin Wasilewski) 06:28
3 Spark Of Life (Marcin Wasilewski) 06:33
4 Do rycerzy, do szlachty, do mieszczan (Katarzyna Nosowska, Marcin Zabrocki, Paweł Krawczyk) 04:37
5 Message In A Bottle (Gordon Sumner) 07:36
6 Sleep Safe And Warm (Krzysztof Komeda) 06:55
7 Three Reflections (Marcin Wasilewski) 08:33
8 Still (Joakim Milder) 06:44
9 Actual Proof (Herbie Hancock) 06:05
10 Largo (Grażyna Bacewicz) 08:05
11 Spark Of Life, Var. (Marcin Wasilewski) 05:01

Recorded March 2014 at Auditorio RSI – Radio Svizzera, Lugano
Engineer: Stefano Amerio
Produced by Manfred Eicher

Marta Karsz-Ashida マルタ・カルシ=アシダ
1979年ワルシャワ生まれ。1980~1986年東京在住。ワルシャワ大学日本学科より卒業後ポーランド文化・国家遺産省、アダム・ミツキェヴィチ・インスティチュートで音楽企画のプロジェクト・マネージャー。ワルシャワ交響楽団シンフォニア・ヴァルソヴィア/ツアー、事務所マネージャー。ワルシャワ経済大学カルチャーマネジメント卒。2009 – 2016 駐日ポーランド共和国大使館/ 文化担当二等書記官、2011年から一等書記官、ポーランド広報文化センター副所長を務めた。多くのポーランドのアーティスト、ミュジシャンを日本に紹介。ポーランド帰国後、MKProject 日-ポ文化/企業協力会社を設立。


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