
Jazz and Far Beyond

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InterviewsNo. 286

Interview #237 ナンシー・ハロウ Nancy Harrow

Interviewed by Kenny Inaoka 稲岡邦彌 via emails, January 2022


Part 1








ナンシー:私の最初のパペット・ミュージカル(人形劇)「みつばちマーヤ」 (Maya the Bee) をNYで観た友人が、1930年に書かれたエリザベス・コーツワース (Elizabeth Coatsworth) のこの素晴らしい著作を勧めてくれたのです。「次はこれをやりなさいよ」って。まず手掛けたのはジャズのCD制作でした。ストーリーと登場人物に沿って詞と曲を書き、それからケニー・ワーナー (Kenny Werner) とピアノのアレンジを作って。人形劇なんてまだ夢のまた夢状態でしたね。曲が上がったのが2003年で、2004年に録音し、2005年にアーチスト・ハウス (Artists House) からCDをリリースしたのよ。まず最初の構想はこのストーリーでアニメを作ろうと。映画会社に打診するため、アニメーターに5分のアニマティック (パイロット・フィルム) を作ってもらった。2005年に初めて日本に出かけたんだけど、その時、念のためにアニマティックも持って行ったのね。Keizo (高田敬三)が 横山眞理子さんに引き合わせてくれて、彼女のご息女の朋未さんも一緒に東京のホテルの部屋で皆でフィルムを観ました。横山さんがNHKが興味を示すかもしれないと、NHKに打診してくれた。だけど、アニメが中国風だという理由で断られて。その時、「みつばちマーヤ」と同じように人形劇にできるかもしれないと閃いたのです。(偶然ですが、私の部屋で「みつばちマーヤ」の原作を見た朋未さんが、自分が勤務している会社:オリエンタルランド、がこのパペット・ミュージカルを日本に招聘できるかもしれないと考えたのです。これが日本版「みつばちマーヤ」が実現した経緯です)。




「みつばちマーヤ」の劇伴もジャズで、ローランド・ハナ (p) とグラディ・テイト (ds) が演奏、マーヤはダリル・シャーマンが歌い、グラディと私が劇中の他の昆虫をすべて歌ったのです。




ナンシー:最初のアメリカでの公演は2008年、NYダウンタウンのブリーカー・ストリートのカルチャー・プロジェクトでした。2009年には、アジア・ソサエティ、ハーレム・アート・スクールと続きました。そこで観劇したジーン・ケネディ・スミスがワシントン D.C.のケネディ・センターにつないでくれ、2011年に1週間の公演が実現しました。





Part 2

JazzTokyo: 来日経験は何度でしょうか?

ナンシー・ハロウ:3回ですが、そのつどジャズ・クラブで歌ってきました。最初は2006年で、原宿の Music Roots 77 で歌いました。本田富士夫 (p)、ジャンボ小野 (b)、岩見淳三 (g) のトリオで、石塚貴夫さんのプロデュースでした。このギグは入国してから決まったものでした。私の夫、ジャン・クラコウスキーはポーランドの生まれで、1940年に杉原千畝の手助けで第二次大戦を逃れて来日、幼少時代を日本で過ごしたのです。彼の日本の思い出は素晴らしく、最初の来日は観光の目的もありました。

2度目の来日は2007年で、東京で「みつばちマーヤ」を観劇するのが目的でしたが、東京以外でも何度か公演がありました。「マーヤ」は2年間にわたって10都市で公演があったのです。宮 菜穂子がマーヤを、広瀬淳がダーク・モスを歌い、演出は関聡太郎.でした。他にも素晴らしい歌手が大勢出演してくれました。この時の来日では、高田馬場のコットンクラブで歌い、バックは本田富士夫 (p)、塩本彰 (g)、中林董平 (b)のトリオが務めてくれました。

3回目は2009年で神田のクラブTUCで演奏しました。バックは、ドン・フリードマン (p)、ジャンボ小野 (b)、岩見淳三 (g) のトリオでした。同じトリオで横浜のクラブ FarOutでも歌いました。驚いたのは作家の村上春樹が私のアルバム4枚を持参、サインを求められたことです。このあと、ドン・フリードマンと筑波コンサートホールで公演がありましたが、ベースとドラムは変わっていました。翌日、同じトリオで同じホールでカメラータ東京のためにレコーディングがありました。


ナンシー:最初の来日では、京都と奈良、2度目は姫路、3度目は筑波に出かけました。新幹線での旅行は素晴らしく、各地で素晴らしい庭園を楽しみました。 はやはり東京で、築地の魚市場の光景は忘れられません。どこかに移転したのですよね。






Part 3


ナンシー:父親は弁護士でしたが、歌が好きでした。彼の歌は忘れられませんね。息子ふたりはミュージカルの道に進みました (若い方のアントンは「涅槃へ行った猫」の中で仏教の僧侶の役を歌っています)。遺伝でしょうね。父親の家系にはヴァイオリニストがいて、ロシア皇帝に献奏したことがあると聞いたことがあります。事実かどうか確かではありませんが。








ナンシー:1960年録音の 『Wild Women Don’t Have the Blues』でした。ナット・ヘントフがバック・クレイトンに編曲を依頼し、彼らがミュージシャンを集めたのです。私がリクエストしたのはケニー・バレルだけでした。ケニーがミントンズで演奏した時、シット・インしていた見ず知らずの私に歌わせてくれたことがあったからです。



ナンシー:ジョン・ルイスと私が共演したアルバム 『The John Lewis Album for Nancy Harrow』(Finesse Recordfs,1981) に収録されたジョン・ルイスの曲に書いたのが最初です。ジョンが2曲用意してくれたのですが詞が付いていなかったので私が書いたのです。A面の4曲目に収録された<Distant Lover>とB面3曲目の<As Long As It’s About Love>が私の作詞です。




ナンシー:最初に書いた曲は、私が好きだったレイモンド・パターソン (Raymond Patterson) の詩でした。ブルースを書いてくれるミュージシャンを探したのですが誰も興味を示してくれなかたので、私が自分で書きました。<A Little Blue> というこの曲は、最初のレコーディングではレイモンド・パターソンという作詞家の名前がクレジットされなかったのです。さらに2度レコーディングしましたが、直近のCDは私の『The Song Is All』(Benhan Music, 2017)で、ルーファス・リードのベースとデュオで歌いました。




ナンシー:セッションはジョン・スナイダー (John Snyder) が仕組みました。ジョンがミュージシャンを手配し、プロデュースし、監修にあたりました。ミュージシャンの数も多く、ストリング・カルテットも参加し複雑でしたから。ケニー・ウェルナーのピアノ譜をオーケストレーションし、指揮をしたのはマイケル・モスマン (Michael Mossman) です。ジャズ・ミュージシャンは演奏と即興で参加しました。日本の伝統楽器を演奏するミュージシャンがふたり参加し、彼らも演奏の他に即興もしました。リリースは、ジョン・スナイダーが所有、経営するレコード会社、アーチスト・ハウス (Artists House) でした。



ナンシー:全部で20作です。直近の2作は、『Partners』、『Partners ll:I Don’t know What Kind of Blues I’ve Got』です。文学作品に基づいて私が書いたアルバムのうち5作は劇場公開されました。

JT: 最後に夢を語ってください。


♫ ジャズ文楽「涅槃へ行った猫」公演スケジュール
① 日時:2022年2月27日(日)
会場:神奈川県立青少年センター 紅葉坂ホール
② 日時:2022年3月6日(日)
会場:小田原 三の丸ホール

Interview with Nancy Harrow
Part 1

JazzTokyo: What do you think about new possibility of holding the show in Japan after the cancellation due to Covid-19 last year?

Nancy Harrow:I am delighted that the show can go on, despite the cancellation last year.

JT: Still your people have been facing with difficulties of sharing time and place for rehearsals with bunraku company face to face in Japan. How could you do rehearsals?

Nancy:We have been doing the rehearsals by Zoom with all the cast of Shimonakaza in Japan, while our director, Will Pomerantz, and I are in New York at two different apartments. It has been a wonderful way to fool ourselves into thinking we are still traveling and meeting new people.

JT: You should have had another barrier of time difference between New York and Japan.

Nancy:We meet when it is Saturday morning in Japan and 8 PM Friday in New York.  Then the troupe rehearses the rest of Saturday, and when it is Sunday morning in Japan and 8 PM Saturday night in New York, we rehearse again.  Will and I give notes to Mariko Yokoyama, and she translates for the company.

JT: In the first place did you write the script for bunraku accompanied by jazz from the beginning?

Nancy:This project began when a friend who came to see my previous puppet show in NYC, Maya the Bee, told me I should write another, and suggested this wonderful book by Elizabeth Coatsworth, written in 1930.  It started out to be a CD of jazz music, and I wrote the lyrics based on the story and its characters, then wrote the melodies and worked with Kenny Werner on the piano arrangements.  The idea of making it a puppet show was still far off in the distance.  The first tunes were written in 2003, we recorded the album in 2004, and the album was released by Artists House in 2005.  I first thought of making the story an animated film, and I asked an animator do a five-minute “animatic” to see if I could interest a film company with this project.  It so happened our first trip to Japan was in 2005, and I brought the animatic with me just in case.  Keizo introduced me to Mariko Yokoyama, and we showed it to her and to her daughter, Tomomi, in our hotel room in Tokyo.  Mariko was then working with NHK, the Japanese Television, and she thought they might be interested.  They thought the animation looked too Chinese and rejected it.  It was then that I thought we might make it into a puppet show as we had done with Maya the Bee.  (Coincidentally, Tomomi saw the literature in my room about Maya the Bee and thought the company she was working for (Oriental Land Co. Ltd.)  might be interested in our puppet show coming to Japan.  That is how the Japanese version of Maya the Bee happened.)

JT: Where have you seen bunraku?

Nancy:I went to see bunraku in Tokyo on that first trip in 2006.  My Maya the Bee puppet show had been running in NYC for 6 years at that time (once a week on Saturday mornings), so I was interested in puppetry of all kinds.  The Maya the Bee score was also jazz, a project I did with Roland Hanna and Grady Tate with Daryl Sherman singing the part of Maya while Grady and I shared singing all the other insects in the story.

JT: Why did you think the collaboration of bunraku and jazz would work out successfully?

Nancy:In the case of The Cat Who Went to Heaven, the only script is the narration.  The lyrics tell the story, and we used the narration to make it clearer.  But you are right, the lyrics were written first and the melodies afterwards.

JT: Have you ever held the show in the states?

Nancy:The show was done in the States first in 2008 at the Culture Project on Bleecker Street in NYC, then at the Asia Society and The Harlem School of the Arts in 2009, where Jean Kennedy Smith saw it and said she would tell the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. about our show.  And she did, and we were invited to perform there for a week in 2011.
Our last performances were at the Brooklyn Academy of Music where we had another week of performances in 2014.

JT: How could Japanese shows have been organized in Japan this time?

Nancy:I’m not sure I understand this last question in Part I, but Mariko Yokoyama succeeded in getting a government grant to produce this show.  She could tell you more about that aspect of the production.

Part 2
Jazz Tokyo: How many times have you been here?

Nancy Harrow:I have been to Japan three times, and each time I performed at a jazz club.

JT: What brought you over here for the first time?

Nancy:The first visit was 2006, the club date was at Music Roots 77, a club in Tokyo.  I was accompanied by Fujio Honda, piano; Jumbo Ono, bass; and Jyunzo Iwami, guitar.  Produced by Takao Ishizuki.  This first trip was not planned for the performance, that happened after we got here.  My husband, Jan Krukowski, was born in Poland and was in Japan as a child, having escaped from the War in 1940 with the help of Chiune Sugihara.  His memories of Japan were very happy, and we came that year in part as tourists.

JT: You gave a secret gig somewhere in Harajuku, I hear.Do you remember who played with you?

Nancy:No secret gigs.  I don’t know where that rumor comes from.

JT: Next time you visited here to make a record with Don Freedman,
giving a gig at a club in Yokohama.

Nancy:The second trip was in 2007, this time to see Maya the Bee performed in Tokyo and several other venues while we were there.  Maya toured 10 cities in Japan over a period of two years.  Naoko Miya sang the role of Maya; Jun Hirose sang the Dark Moth; Sotaro Seki directed it; many wonderful singers were in the cast.  I performed that year at Café Cotton Club in Tokyo, accompanied by Fujio Honda, piano; Akira Shiomoto, guitar; Kunpai Nakabayashi, bass.

JT: Haruki Murakami was among your guests.Did you know who he was and speak to him?

Nancy: The same trio was at Farout club in Yokohama, and it was at that date that Haruki Murakami was in the audience and I met him.  He had come with 4 of my lps for me to sign, which was amazing to me.

JT: Your 3rd trip to Japan was a job for writing film music for Maja The Bee
and Her Adventures by Walt Disney. Did you do any gig at that time, too?

Nancy:The last trip was in 2009, and I had a gig in Tokyo, TUC club with Don Friedman, piano, Jumbo Ono on bass, Junzo Iwami, guitar.  After those two club dates I did a concert with Don Friedman at Tsukuba, a different bass and drum.  Then the next day we recorded with that group for Camerata at the Tusukuba Concert Hall. The question is incorrect – I didn’t write film music.  These three trips were the only ones.

JT: Have you ever travelled around Japan? Where do you like best and
what is your general impression of Japan?

Nancy:We did travel on our first two trips – we went to Kyoto and Nara on our first trip; to Himeji on the second trip, and to Tsukuba on the third trip.  I loved traveling on your fast trains and we saw many wonderful gardens.  I still enjoyed Tokyo the most.  Most amazing sight was the fish market in Tokyo, which I think is not still there – is it?

JT: Do you have any close friend in Japan?

Nancy:I became very friendly with Mariko and with Keizo.  Sota (Sotaro Seki) and Naoko Miya, both visited me in New York at different times, and Keizo most recently.  My son, Damon Krukowski, and his wife Naomi Yang have performed many times in Japan and have recorded with many Japanese musicians.

JT: Do you like Japanese foods? What do you like best?

Nancy:I love Japanese food – sushi, broiled fish.  We eat often at Japanese restaurants in NY, but the best were in Tokyo.

Part 3
Jazz Tokyo: Were you born under musical family?

Nancy Harrow:My father was a lawyer who loved to sing and had a haunting quality when he sang.  Both of my sons are musical as well. (As you know, my younger son Anton sings the part of the Buddhist priest in The Cat.)  It is a strong gene, I think.  I am told that an ancestor on my father’s side was a violinist and played for the Tsar in Russia, but that could be apocryphal.

JT: What music did you show interest in for the first time? And how young?

Nancy:I have photographs of myself playing what looks like a xylophone when I was 5.  I studied piano from the age of 7 – classical music – but listened to my older brothers’ record collection of jazz – swing music then – from at least age 5.  My first job was with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (not in his time) and I knew every note of the arrangements because I had heard them as a child.

JT: Have you learnt music professionally?

Nancy:I made my first album before studying any voice at all.  John Lewis told me when we were working on my second album that I should get a voice teacher to learn how to breathe.  Unfortunately, I never studied theory as a child so I have had to do composing by ear and get a schooled musician to help me write it down.

JT: When did you make a professional debut?

Nancy:The first recording was Wild Women Don’t Have the Blues, recorded in 1960.  It was organized by Nat Hentoff who selected Buck Clayton to write the arrangements, and they hired the musicians.  The only musician I knew on the date was Kenny Burrell, who I had requested, because I had sat in with his group at Minton’s when he was generous enough to let me sing without ever having heard me before.

JT: My first experience of listening to your voal was Wild Women Don’t Have The Blues on CANDID in the 70’s. Who organized this session? Was Nat Hentoff involved in the session?


JT: What is your first lyrics employed for recording?

Nancy:The first lyrics I wrote were for John Lewis on the album we did together entitled “The John Lewis Album for Nancy Harrow.”  He had two tunes on that album that didn’t have lyrics and I wrote them – Distant Lover and As Long As It’s About Love. (1981)

JT: How about music?

Nancy:The first music I wrote was to a poem I liked by Raymond Patterson.  I tried to find a musician who would write a blues to his words, but no one was interested, so I did it myself.  The first recording of that tune, A Little Blue, did not give credit to Raymond Patterson but I recorded it twice more, and gave him credit, most recently on my CD, The Song is All, where it is a duet with Rufus Reid’s bass.

JT: Did you organize the session for The Cat yourself?

Nancy:The session for The Cat was organized by John Snyder.  He produced the record and found all the musicians and supervised the recording, which was complicated because of the number of musicians who played on it, including a string quartet.  Michael Mossman conducted and orchestrated the songs from the piano arrangements that had been done by Kenny Werner, and we had many great jazz musicians playing and improvising.  Two musicians added Japanese instruments and improvised their parts at the studio.  The commercial release, as I said above, was Artists House, a recording company owned and run by John Snyder.

JT: What is your latest release?

Nancy:You didn’t ask me this, but I should tell you that I have recorded 20 albums, the last two called Partners and Partners II: I Don’t Know What Kind of Blues I’ve Got.  Five of the albums that I wrote based on literary stories have been made into theatre productions.

JT: Finally, could you tell us your dream?

Nancy:I don’t know how to answer your last question about my Dream.  I have been dreaming all along, and a lot of what I imagined has come to fruition.


稲岡邦彌 Kenny Inaoka 兵庫県伊丹市生まれ。1967年早大政経卒。2004年創刊以来Jazz Tokyo編集長。音楽プロデューサーとして「Nadja 21」レーベル主宰。著書に『新版 ECMの真実』(カンパニー社)、編著に『増補改訂版 ECM catalog』(東京キララ社)『及川公生のサウンド・レシピ』(ユニコム)、共著に『ジャズCDの名盤』(文春新書)。2021年度「日本ジャズ音楽協会」会長賞受賞。


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