
Jazz and Far Beyond

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No. 215R.I.P. ポール・ブレイ

Ethan Iverson / イーサン・アイヴァーソン

The Main Man

Woke up at 3 AM. Something was wrong. Cold in apartment. Felt very strange. Conceded defeat to insomnia, turned on computer. RIP Paul Bley.

Some assaults are impossible to recover from, especially when they are disguised as liberation. I remember it like yesterday, unwrapping Paul Bley’s Hot and placing it on the turntable. The opening surreal motivic piano solo on “When Will the Blues Leave” went through me like a injection of adrenaline.
The older generation got it from Footloose (1962), universally considered one of Bley’s best. In Wisconsin in 1986, there was no goddamn Footloose anywhere. I had to get it from Hot (1985), which is bizarrely almost the exact same repertoire as Footloose.
The older generation would have known that Bley was simply an alternative. Stationed both in the wrong era and in primitive wilderness, I was free to assume that Bley was the foundation. In a sense my entire career has been a reckoning with this mistake. (pianist/Bad Plus, author)




Ethan Iverson / イーサン・アイヴァーソン
1973年、ウィスコンシン生まれ。マーク・モリス・ダンス・グループの音楽監督を経て、2000年“ポスト・モダン・トリオ”「バッド・プラス」を結成。フレッド・ハーシュ、ソフィア・ロゾフにピアノを学ぶ。菊地雅章に私淑、ロフトに出入りする中でインタヴューを敢行、自身のブログ “dothemath”に掲載。


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