
Jazz and Far Beyond

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No. 228R.I.P. ミシャ・メンゲルベルク

Hommage to Misha Mengelberg Roberto Masotti, Millano

Misha Mengelberg playing at Festival di Clusone, 1998



L: Portrait within the series You Tourned The Tables On Me by Roberto Masotti, Berlin, 1978
R: With Han Bennink, Berlin, Workshop Freie Musik, 1976



L: In Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, 8° Festival del Teatro in piazza, 1978
R: With Derek Bailey, Moers festival, 1978


L: With Peter Broetzmann at Workshop Freie Musik in Berlin, 1978
R: With Steve Beresford, 1978 at Workshop Freie Musik in Berlin, 1978

With Tristan Honsinger and Evan Parker in Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, 8° Festival del Teatro in piazza, 1978

L: Looking at pictures from Masotti’s series “You Turned The Tables On Me” in his house in Amsterdam, 1978
R: In his house in Amsterdam, 1978


L: With Michel Waiswisz playing in front of Steim Studio in Amsterdam, 1978
R: Playing at Festival di Clusone, 1998


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