
Jazz and Far Beyond

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R.I.P. トマシュ・スタンコNo. 245

Goodbye to Tomasz Stanko – a great voice lost
惜別:トマシュ・スタンコ – 偉大なヴォイスの喪失

text and photos by Henk van Leeuwen, Melbourne, Australia

日本、オーストラリア、韓国を巡る初めての楽旅の準備のために果てしないメールのやりとりを経てはいたのだが。トマシュは年代モノのトランペット・ケースを身近に置き、コーヒーとサンドイッチの載ったテーブルに向かっていたが、丸いフレームの眼鏡をかけ、時代がかった帽子を被った痩せぎすのどこかひ弱そうな風体で、表情は慎ましやかだが戸惑っているようにも見えた。トマシュ自身と始まったやりとりはやがて娘のアンナに引き継がれて何年も経ったのだが、ついにわれわれは顔と顔、目と目を合わせる時を迎え、私は進み出て彼の両手を握りしめたのだった。そう、まさにトマシュ・スタンコその人、東欧から現れた自由を謳うトランペット・ヴォイス。慎ましそうに見えるが何たる傑物!彼のウェブサイトwww.tomaszstanko.com を見よ! そして、まずは私にトマシュ・スタンコの音色と人物像を定義させていただきたい。トマシュの音はスラヴ的である。突き抜けるような解放の叫びはおそらく暗く苛だたしい過去を反映するものであり、それは、東欧とポーランドが経験した歴史と政治に関わる深い闇からの脱却、それに打ち勝ち、自由になり、解放されることを象徴するもののはずである。トマシュが素晴らしく自由で創造的な人格を獲得できたことに対し、分野の如何を問わず彼の同国人に対して敬意を表するものである。



2002年、トマシュ・スタンコはオーストリア政府から第1回ヨーロッパ・ジャズ賞を授与されるという栄に浴した。次いで翌2003年にはECMからリリースされたアルバム『Soul of Things』に対してオーストラリア・ベル・ジャズ大賞の「最優秀国際ジャズ・アルバム」賞が、さらに2004年には『Suspended Nいght』(ECM)に2年連続して同賞が授与された。なんと素晴らしい!私はこれらの事実にたいそう勇気付けられ、古いファックス・マシンを破棄しeメールを使い始めたスタンコとの頻繁な交信が始まった。私はついに初志を貫徹したのだ。オーストラリアへの楽旅。往路では東京に立ち寄り、日本市場開拓のためのコンサート、帰路は韓国ソウルでのコンサートを企画。じつはソウルにはJae Jin In というかつてヨーロッパのミュージシャンのコンサートをホールとフェスで主催してくれた気心の知れたプロモータがいた。2004年も遅くなって、私の住むメルボルンから約250キロ離れたワンガラッタ・ジャズ・フェス2005から出演の内諾が届いた。






Giving his talk,Melbourne 2008







Goodbye to Tomasz Stanko – a great voice lost

It was at the Seoul Incheon airport cafe near the gate for the flight to Tokyo in October 2005 that I first met Tomasz Stanko in person and after an intensive and seemingly endless period of emails and preparation for our first tour to Japan, Australia and Korea. There he sat at the table with a coffee and a sandwich and his historic trumpet case next to him, a humble, bewildered and somewhat fragile looking skinny man with round glasses and wearing a quaint cap. After all the communications over the years initially with Tomasz and later with his daughter Anna, we finally looked eye to eye and I reached to shake both his hands: Tomasz Stanko, the trumpet voice of freedom from Eastern Europe. A humble man, but what a cat! check him out on his website – www.tomaszstanko.com – and let me say at the outset that this is how I like to define the sound and personal psyche of Tomasz Stanko:
‘Tomasz’ sound was a Slavic one. A piercing cry of release perhaps from the gloomy and frustrating past, to break out from the deep historic political shit of eastern Europe and Poland, to conquer and be free and liberated. Paying homage also to his artistic compatriots in many fields and allowing him to be such a free and creative individual. In this he succeeded and he shook off the mantle of subjection that had restricted him’.

Music lovers and jazz punters may not always realise the energy and immense personal effort going into getting a virtuoso ‘musicus’ well established at home but not far away abroad into a new territory. I have to say physically touring jazz cats of the calibre of Tomasz Stanko into new far away part of the world only comes about in my case because of my total focussed commitment at a personal level to stage and carry out such a tour, and at very considerable financial risk to myself. I had just toured Jan Garbarek to Australia in 2000 and again in 2004, and this ECM artist made a big impact at festivals and in concert halls as for him and his group the time was ripe to include a trip to the long standing, patiently waiting fans in Australia. Now it was Tomasz Stanko’s turn, such a formidable artist also from the ECM stable, but of course from way back through his historic collaborations with pianist/composer Krzysztof Komeda and Finnish drummer Edward Vesala.

Many years ago I had seen Tomasz Stanko at the Pori Jazz Festival in Finland and this was before I became actively involved in the touring of jazz musicians of my choice to Australia. Until the end of the 1980’s in Australia only some of the American big names had visited like Oscar Peterson, Count Basie, Louis Armstrong, Dave Brubeck, Thelonious Monk, the Modern Jazz Quartet o.a but not often and believe it or not mostly at a financial loss to the promoter. Miles Davis and Nina Simone had also come in the eighties once, and Keith Jarrett in 1978. Europeans and Scandinavians were not known in Australia and had not come, and if they did it could only be with considerable travel support from cultural institutions in their home country. Anyway, apart from a whole fantastic bunch of Nordic musicians like the New Jungle Orchestra (Denmark), Palle Mikkelborg (Denmark), Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen (Denmark), Trio Toykeat/Iiro Rantala (Finland), Jukka Perko (Finland) o.a, I toured in the nineties, my focus was on the challenge to bring the great Polish trumpeter Tomasz Stanko to Australia and indeed South Asia, and this I set out to do. Tomasz Stanko and I started faxing in the late nineties and I offered him to the Melbourne International Jazz Festival together with pianist Bobo Stenson and bassist Anders Jormin, but so regrettably the Melbourne jazz festival declined and things went quiet for a year or two, but I didn’t give up.

In 2002 Tomasz Stanko became highly recognised and won the first European Jazz Prize awarded by the Austrian government. Then in 2003 he was awarded with the Australian Bell Jazz Award for the best international jazz album ‘ Soul of Things’ on ECM, and in 2004 again with the same award for his album ‘Suspended Night’. How’s that! This hugely encouraged me and a spade of communications followed with Stanko, who by now was on email and given the old fax machine away. I persevered. A tour to Australia and including an important stopover concert in Tokyo would be the aim to try and break into Japan, as well as on the way home a concert in Seoul, Korea. There I had good contact and a sympathetic promoter and organiser Jae Jin In, who had presented some fine European artists from me previously in prominent concert halls and at his festival. In late 2004 we received a tentative offer from the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz for late 2005, and at that time was Australia’s premier jazz festival, some 250 kms from Melbourne

Whilst the festival fees were moderate and the travel costs not included, and the whole tour looked financially quite difficult, I was determined to succeed and give Tomasz Stanko his break into Australia and into Japan. I tried hard to get Polish institutional funds support via the its embassies in Tokyo, Canberra and Seoul, to help cover at least the travel costs apart from a fees contribution. In the meantime the South East Asia and Australia tour schedule shaped up, and from both the artist and promoter’s side we had to make commitments. The very important Sydney concert I had to entirely produce and promote myself, and for this I hired a prominent old church in the middle of that city, and bring in all the staging, sound and back line gear. Equally important was to start selling tickets early in the piece, i.e. at least 6 months in advance. I worked also hard on the Polish community in Sydney. I tell you this story to give jazz lovers an insight on what it takes to deliver high calibre artists to the concert stage in a foreign land, and where unless there is one individual who reaches out and pioneers this, the whole venture does not happen.

Well then after nearly two years of lobbying, intensive communications and preparations, this first Tomasz Stanko tour to ‘down under’ really took place, and between 26 October and 3 November 2005, the Tomasz Stanko Quartet including 3 brilliant musicians half his age, who by then had been playing with Stanko for almost 10 years:  Marcin Wasilewski – piano, Slawomir Kurkiewicz – bass, and Michal Miskiewicz – drums, collectively made it happen. By then also I considered myself also really the fifth member of the band. So, when finally we met at the gate cafe at Seoul international airport on 25 October 2005 early the morning and Tomasz Stanko looked me in the eyes and I held his hands, there was a feeling of mutual trust and we both knew that a special friendship between us had began. The next night at the Polish embassy concert for an audience of several hundred including many Japanese media guests I had personally invited and of course the diplomats, all the worry and anxiety fell off my shoulders, and there was only the music and the piercingly beautiful trumpet voice of Tomasz Stanko that filled my heart and the room with emotion.

This curious mixture of Japanese jazz writers, promoters and music lovers were all digging this music and were given this concert to them on a plate, because so sadly I have to say it as it turned out there was no financial contribution from the Polish embassy to make this concert of contemporary Polish music happen. Sure, the many drinks, cakes and sandwiches after the concert were provided by the embassy but for the musicians and the flights to get them to Tokyo and the embassy there was nothing. I need to also say after these dozen years, that the ambassador himself appeared too shy to say the words of welcome and introduce his guest of honour, and with his appreciation I took to the stage to welcome the guests on behalf of the embassy and myself, and indeed introduce one of Poland’s national treasures, the great trumpeterTomasz Stanko to Japan. It was a great Stanko first gig to Japan, but so regretfully it was also his last one, for no matter how hard I tried since with all my contacts, Tomasz Stanko has never been back to Japan to play more concerts. Informed insider’s advice was given about launching a Japanese language Tomasz Stanko website, but this never happened, and still after all this hard work I began to realise how hard it is for European jazz celebrities to break into the Japanese jazz touring circuit, and I have many stories to tell of experiences with others both before and since that time but here is not the place and time to go into this. Apart from no financial support from the Polish embassy in Tokyo, none was forthcoming from the Korean and Australian embassies either for this tour.

The Tomasz Stanko tour to Australia after the Tokyo opening concert in the last week of October 2005 went phenomenal, as at the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz audiences were highly exhilarated by Stanko’s music as were the media, and also the Sydney church concert was completely sold out and a huge success. In Seoul also the especially young Korean audiences were most enthusiastic and many CDs were sold. Despite the fantastic reception in Tokyo and Australia, I have to say it now that I personally lost a very considerable amount of money to make this first Tomasz Stanko tour possible, but I had made this commitment and once schedules were committed there was no pulling back. This is what I experienced on many occasions, it’s a very personal risky undertaking organising and promoting jazz tours and often turns out to be really quite a gamble. But at the same time I have to say it also for dear Tomasz Stanko: We had opened the doors to the festivals and the hearts of the concert producers, and this led to further tours by me for the great European trumpet master.

In 2008 the Tomasz Stanko Quartet was invited to the Melbourne International Jazz Festival and played in our biggest concert hall and with a fantastic reception. Also on that tour and to its credit, the Polish Embassy in Canberra organised a fine concert in the Canberra Theatre and for this they contributed. In 2009 I took the Tomasz Stanko Quartet to New Zealand’s Wellington International Jazz Festival, which also was a great gig, and they had caught on from Australia. Then in July 2010, I took the Tomasz Stanko Quintet, now with 2 Finns: Alexi Tuomarila on piano, Olavi Louhivuori on drums,  and 2 fine Danes: Jakob Bro on guitar, and Anders Christensen on bass, to the big outdoor stage of the Pori Jazz Festival in Finland, and what a welcome he received. It was the first time in over 20 years that Stanko had performed in Pori, the biggest jazz festival in Europe. The Australian performance dream for Tomasz Stanko continued with an invitation of the same Quintet to the Sydney International Arts Festival in January 2011 at the City Recital Hall known at Angel Place, followed 2 days later with a major Melbourne concert in the then new Melbourne Recital Centre, all a confirmation also shown by attendances that Tomasz Stanko had made his mark in Australia. To confirm this even further a fresh invitation followed for the Tomasz Stanko European Quartet, now with Slawomir Kurkiewicz on bass and again the Finns Alexi Tuomarila on piano and Olavi Louhivurori on drums to the Melbourne International Jazz Festival in June 2016, including a special ‘Litania’ concert playing the music of Kryszstof Komeda with Tomasz Stanko fronting the Monash university based large Monash Art Ensemble. Including again a terrific master class as he also gave in 2008 at the Melbourne International Jazz Festival, Tomasz Stanko was a very happy man.

Together for over 15 years Tomasz Stanko and myself built up a special friendship, which was about musical fulfilment, the mission to bring a deep musical message to wider audiences, but also a personal warmth, integrity and understanding of deep trust between us. We wouldn’t see each other for a few years at times,  and always it was a little difficult to say goodbye at the passport control gate at the airport in Australia as we embraced and I looked him in the eyes. Then there was that last time Tomasz Stanko waved goodbye at me from the Melbourne airport gate in June 2016. Now in August 2018, four weeks after his passing I am so happy he called me from New York earlier this year for that last conversation of two connected friends. Thank you so deeply for the music, ,Tomasz…

Henk van Leeuwen, Melbourne, Australia


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