
Jazz and Far Beyond

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R.I.P. 近藤等則No. 271

Toshinori Kondo Remembering. percussionist Andrea Centazzo
近藤等則追憶 percussionist アンドレア・ツェンタッツオ

Andrea Centazzo  アンドレア・ツェンタッツオ

NY 1978. We were young, bold, adventurous and enthusiastic. Almost 2 kids coming from two different worlds, meeting in the Big Apple expecting the impossible.
I have a vivid recollection of my arrival at the JFK airport in that gloomy day of December 1978.  On the curb waiting for me and for my four impossible to transport cases full of percussion, were John Zorn, Tom Corra (later Cora), Eugene Chadbourne, Polly Bradfield and Kondo-san.
We loaded all in a battered  Volskwagen van and we started out fantastic adventure.
I was immediately attracted by Kondo-san: after all, we were speaking the same broken English, we were from foreign countries and we had big expectation from our staying in US.
Toshinori was a very curious fellow, always asking question on Italy, European music and art. I reciprocated hungry of information about Japan, a country that was always in my dreams.
But the real magic happened when we started to play: his completely new technique on trumpet, his flow of continuous creative ideas just amazed me.
We went to WKCR for a long recording session and we recorded my composition Environment for Sextet, an open scheme where every improviser could express the best, later released on ICTUS.
But the super thrill came when we did the duo recording: so extreme and abstract that even today is a milestone in my music career…

Later in 1979 and 1980 I invited Kondo-san along with Eugene Chadbourne to play around Italy.
Kondo-san was my guest in my farm in Bologna and there we kept our philosophical conversation about almost everything.
Unfortunately after those years we lost contact until 2017 when we started to correspond again on Facebook.
We were planning a reunion duo tour and recordings for last September but the damned pandemic canceled any possibility.
We were excited to get together after so long time and with such a different music experiences we matured in those 42 years.
Last conversation was about moving the reunion to 2021… but.
We were also planning a new album in trio with Henry Kaiser: in 1978 I recorded a duo side with Henry on the Protocol Album and Kondo-san recorded the other side. This time the trio would have reunite in a unique session.
But life had other plans.
I’ll remember gratefully Toshinori Kondo for what he thought me in music and life.

LA 10/25/2020

1978年、NY。ぼくらは若く、大胆で冒険好き、かつ熱狂的だった。言ってみれば、2つの異なる世界からやってきたふたりのガキが不可能を期待してビッグ・アップルで出会ったようなもんだ。1978年12月のどんより曇った日のこと、JFK空港に降り立ったぼくの記憶は鮮明だ。車寄せの縁石でぼくとパーカッションを詰め込んでふくれあがった4つのケースを待っていたのは、ジョン・ゾーン、トム・コラ(後に Corraから Coraに改名)、ポリー・ブラッドフィールド、それに近藤サンだった。ぼくらはオンボロのフォルクスワーゲンのヴァンに荷物を詰め込み胸高鳴る冒険へと旅立ったのだった。


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