
Jazz and Far Beyond

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R.I.P. ウォルター・ラングNo. 290

『Cathedral』 by Philipp Schiepek

Text by Philipp Schiepek
Photos by Uli Zrenner-Wolkenstein










Philipp Schiepek & Walter Lang / Cathedral (ACT)

I really got to know Walter at a birthday party in the summer of 2020.

Before that, we had played only once in Munich. He had joined us for an encore at a concert with Jason Seizer, Shinya Fukumori and Masaki Kai. I knew him through his projects, of course, but unfortunately we never had the opportunity to play together before.

We had a very good chat and Walter’s funny carefree manner infected me immediately.

A few days later Walter called and asked if I would like to jam with him. He had a huge pile of new compositions and wanted to hear them with piano and nylon string guitar.

We met at his apartment and played for three hours straight. Everything felt very natural and I really enjoyed that the music “just flowed”. Nothing was forced and the calmness and simplicity of the pieces really took me in.

After the rehearsal, Walter and I went to a restaurant nearby and he told me that he would like to make a CD of the program. We agreed that we would like to do this project together and met regularly over the next few weeks to choose the right music and get more and more involved with the pieces.

On 13.11.2020 we went into the studio. Walter’s idea to record two small concerts there felt very natural and so we were able to produce the whole album in one day.

Unfortunately Walter and I couldn’t spend more time together making music, which makes me very sad.

I remember the unconstrained, happy mood with Walter and I am very glad to have had the chance to record an album with him and play his wonderful music.

Philipp Schiepek フィリップ・シーペック – Guitarist
1994年、ドイツ・バイエルン州、”ロマンチック街道”で知られる街ディンケルスビュール出身。子供の頃からピアノとアコーディオンから音楽に親しみ、12歳からギターを始めた。ヴュルツブルグとミュンヘンに学ぶ。2016年から連邦ジャズオーケストラ(BuJazzo)に所属、クラシックオーケストラのソリストとして、ジャズのユニットへの参加など、ジャズとクラシックで幅広く活躍している。2019年、ENJAよりデビューアルバム『GOLEM DANCE』をリリース。2020年にBMW Welt Young Artist Jazz Awardを受賞。作曲とその演奏から今までにない新しい音楽表現の開拓を目指す注目の音楽家だ。公式ウェブサイト(ドイツ語)


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