
Jazz and Far Beyond

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R.I.P. 川崎燎No. 265

a tribute to Ryo Kawasaki by Brian Groder
川崎燎 讃 by ブライアン・グローダー

text by Brian Groder ブライアン・グローダー

Ryo Kawasaki~ An ever shifting textural sound artist who made no distinctions or exceptions for music genres. His improvisational techniques was genius master-level, as was his numerous music software & instrument designs. Ryo always answered questions and inquiries about his music, technique and compositional constructions with patience, wit and an inspirational gleam in his eye. He will be missed by all his listeners who may have discovered him in one style and moved with him into so many musical worlds that he explored.  The blessing he left us, is his music of course, but he also reminds us to always keep developing and exploring together, unfamiliar new possibilities.

川崎 燎 – 音楽ジャンルにまったくこだわることなく前進しつづけ、音のタペストリーを織りなしてきたアーティスト。彼の即興に関わる技術は天才といえるほどのマスター・レヴェルに達しており、数多くの音楽ソフトウエアや楽器の設計においてもまた然り。Ryoは彼の音楽や、テクニック、はたまた作曲上の構造に至るまで、辛抱強く、ウイットとインスピレーションを湛えた眼差しで答えてくれるのが常だった。あるスタイルの彼を知ったリスナーは皆、彼に連れられて彼が分け入ったさまざまな音楽世界を体験したはずで、残念ながらその楽しみは絶たれてしまった。彼は素晴らしい音楽を遺してくれたが、それだけではない、未知の新しい可能性を共に展開、探求しつづけることを僕らに気づかせ止まないのだ。(文責:稲岡)

Brian Groder has engaged a creative pursuit of combing the free and structured forms of composition and improvisation throughout the multiple styles and genres of contemporary music. Mentored studies with both Joanne Brackeen and Dennis Sandole contributed heavily in the development of his musical voice. His trio recordings with Michael Bisio & Jay Rosen: Reflexology (2014), R Train on the D Line (2016) and Luminous Arcs (2019) highlight this approach of interwoven structured composition with improvisation. Spontaneous improvisation upon modern classical forms was presented in the duo recording FluiDensity with Tonino Miano in their 2012 release. And then there are his ensemble recordings with Sam Rivers (Torque) and Burton Greene (Groder & Greene) which presented progressive extended harmonic/rhythmic settings that were highlighted in Downbeat Magazine. Audio/additional information at briangroder.com; briangroder1.bandcamp.com and soundcloud.com/brian-groder
photo credit :John Sharpe 2018 Bushwick Public House


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