
Jazz and Far Beyond


Concerts/Live ShowsNo. 247

『 Naoki Kita Quartette two days consecutive concert “Literary Legend” –The Music of Silence and Roaring—Second day』


Concerts/Live ShowsNo. 245

#1023 喜多直毅クァルテット 二日間連続公演『厳父』-沈黙と咆哮の音楽ドラマ-第一日/ Naoki Kita Quartette/two days consecutive concerts: Strict Father— A Music Drama of Silence and Roaring-1st day

境界音楽の騎手として、このクァルテットはどこまで疾走し続けるのだろうか。今後も目が離せない/As cutting-edge of transborder music, just how far will this quartette keep ranging? We cannot take our eyes off them.

Concerts/Live ShowsNo. 240

#1004 『喜多直毅クアルテット:呪詛〜沈黙と咆哮の音楽ドラマ/Naoki Kita Quartette: Curse—A Music Drama of Silence and Roaring』

うたかたの酔い、澄みゆく空気の推移から氷塊のクラッシュまで、組んず解れつ切り替わるシーンの連結。個々の演奏家のエッジィな部分が共振しては勃興する音の気配、香気。彼らの音楽は全員の総和でなく相乗で成り立っている。/From the intoxication of effervescent bubbles, the quiet shift of crisp air, to the crash of a heavy block of ice, we experience the dramatic interconnection of changing scenes locked in a fierce and powerful struggle. Each musician’s edgy parts resonate and rise to power, hinting at the signs and fragrances within the sound. Their music is a synergy, rather than the simple sum total of all members.
